
My journey with Type 1 Diabetes

Hi Everyone, I’m Peter. I’ve been living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) for nearly 30 years. As T1Ds, we’re all told how crucial exercise is for us. However, in practice, it’s not always straightforward. T1D is a complex condition, and adding exercise can magnify some challenges if we’re not careful. Despite being well-intentioned, I’ve often found the available exercise advice for T1Ds vague and hard to implement. For many years, I relied on a trial-and-error approach to exercise. While I made some progress, the journey was a constant uphill struggle to get things to work reliably. I battled with low blood sugars during activity and fine-tuning glucose levels for optimal performance.

Having spent many years working in AI and Data Science, I saw the wealth of data from my diabetes devices as a hugely untapped resource. I looked for a product specifically focused on Type 1 Diabetes and physical activity but couldn’t find one. This led to the creation of the GlucoseInsights mobile app. The app has empowered me to take a more data-driven approach to activity. By combining my existing exercise regime with this approach, I achieved a personal best of 2:39 at the 2023 London Marathon, demonstrating the power of data to transform exercise management with T1D.

We are continuously improving and adding new features to the app. Currently, it acts largely as a data compilation tool. However, the real value lies in exploring and analysing the data, including using AI to spot patterns I could never have seen as a human. Eventually, I hope all these intelligent tools will be integrated into the app. For now, I am offering them as a complementary coaching service alongside the app.

This experience sparked a desire to share my insights and help others in the T1D community learn from their own data. I recognised the need for individualised coaching to help others navigate the challenges of exercise and glucose management.

Thank you! Peter

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