Privacy Policy

Who are we?

We are Quantably LTD. Our company number is 13927170 and our registered address is 112 Bushey Hill Road, London, SE5 8QQ. 

Under data protection laws, we are required to provide you with certain information about who we are, how we process your personal data and for what purposes, and your rights in relation to your personal data. This information is provided in this policy and it is important that you read that information.

How and why we collect your personal data?

We want to make sure that you understand what personal data we collect from you and how and why we use this information. The personal data that we process will depend on your level of interaction with us.

  • I am browsing your website
  • I have downloaded and am using the GlucoseInsights app in the AppStore

I am browsing your website

  • IP Address – Our website hosting provider may collect your IP address. This will provide them with other information about you such as location (e.g. city or town) and your computer or mobile device (e.g. who your internet service provider is and what browsers, screen resolution and type or hardware you are using). The provider collects this information to ensure everything is working as it should. We do not have control over the data that the provider collects and they do not share it with us.
  • Cookies – Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users in order to provide increased functionality and service to you. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is stored on your browser or the hard drive of your computer or permanent memory of your mobile device. Cookies alone will not identify you. You may block or restrict cookies by enabling your settings on your device or browser, this however may affect certain parts of the website and its services, and you may find the website does not function correctly or that certain functionality will not be available to you.
  • Google Analytics – Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies to analyse how visitors use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. We ask Google to provide the information to us about your IP address, language preferences and device and browser information which we use to improve our services. Google will use this information for its own purposes in accordance with its own privacy policy ( You may refuse the use of Google Analytics cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser; however, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. Google has an Opt-out Browser Add-on to provide website visitors the ability to prevent their data from being used, please visit the following website for further information:
  • If you contact us over email then we will store a copy of your message and any contact details that you provide to us. If we call or email you back then we will also keep a copy of our correspondence. These communications and your contact details are used to manage our relationship with you, deal with any requests that you make and to improve our service.

I am using the GlucoseInsights app

We will collect the following information for proof you are eligible to use the GlucoseInsights app:

  • Phone type
  • Insulin usage
  • Insulin treatment
  • CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) details
  • Contact details
  • All communications we have sent to you and you to us

If you request to leave the beta programme and do not want to be contacted by us we will remove all data, with the exception to the contact details which we keep for our legal obligations for 10 years.

We collect personal data both automatically and manually from you when you use the GlucoseInsights app. Your personal data is used for the app to function properly and to investigate future in-app features. Any use of tracking tools by the GlucoseInsights app or by the owners of third-party services used by the GlucoseInsights app serves the purpose of providing the service required to you, in addition to any other purposes as described in this privacy policy. Below provides a list of the sources of data used by the GlucoseInsights app, the data collected and why we hold it:

User Entered Data – Whilst using the GlucoseInsights app, you may provide manual data to us. This is stored by our data processor DigitalOcean. This could include things like metadata surrounding a particular activity like “fasted workout”.

When you set up the GlucoseInsights app, you will have told us about your insulin treatments in addition to other information related to your diabetes. This data is used to provide the main functionality of the app, and help you make decisions around managing your diabetes. We also pseudonymise the data and use it for the purposes of developing more intelligent in-app features.

Strava - if you give consent and provide the necessary permissions, the GlucoseInsights app accesses and stores activity data from your Strava account via the Strava API. This is stored by our data processor Digital Ocean. We process and store the below information:

  • Activity/workout data

We store this for providing app features like the activity feed and also for the development of new app features. 

Apple Health - if you give consent and provide the necessary permissions, the GlucoseInsights app accesses and stores glucose data from your Apple Health account via the Apple Health API. This data is stored by our data processor Digital Ocean. Glucose information is stored so that we can provide features such as glucose traces attached to workouts. We also use this data to help guide future in-app developments. We process and store the below information:

  • Continuous glucose monitor (CGM) readings 

DigitalOcean – GlucoseInsights data and user entered data is stored by our data processor DigitalOcean. All data is transmitted to our data processor using the encrypted HTTPS protocol to ensure the safe transit of your data to DigitalOcean. DigitalOcean’s handling of data is described here. DigitalOcean supports the GDPR and all DigitalOcean services comply with its provisions as described here

TestFlight – We use TestFlight to give you access to the GlucoseInsights app and release new versions. The data collected is:

  • Your email address
  • Your name
  • What version of the app you’ve installed
  • When you installed the latest version of the app
  • How frequently you interact with the app
  • Any crashes or feedback you report via the app

The GlucoseInsights app is currently in beta phase. If you leave the beta programme we will remove this data.

Firebase - Firebase Analytics is an analytics service provided by Google Inc. In order to understand Google’s use of Data, consult Google’s partner policy. This Application uses identifiers for mobile devices (Advertising Identifier for iOS, respectively) and technologies similar to cookies to run the Firebase Crashlytics service. Users may opt-out of certain Firebase features through applicable device settings, such as the device advertising settings for mobile phones.

If you have any concerns with how your data is being used or wish to opt-out of data collection please email us on

Communication tools – we may use various tools to communicate with you to ensure you are provided with good service and you receive any support you may require. We will also use these tools to market to you if you have provided marketing consent. If you wish to opt-out of marketing consent at any time follow the unsubscribe link we make available in our communications. We ensure any tools we use that transfers data outside of the EU are considered by the EU as offering a level of data protection at least equal to GDPR requirements.

Interviews and surveys

We may interview you in person or via video call for research purposes. The data we gather includes, but is not limited to, your experience with the GlucoseInsights app and feedback on features or designs of the app. Before we start the interview we will ask for your consent to the recording of the interview.

From time to time, we may ask you to participate in surveys for research purposes, to get your feedback on your experience with the GlucoseInsights app and to help us measure its success. We ensure the survey tools we use offer a level of data protection at least equal to GDPR requirements, if outside of the EU.


If you join our Slack Channel community, we use Slack as a data processor. Slack are US-based but are signed up to US Privacy Shield, which means the EU considers that they offer a level of data protection at least equal to GDPR requirements.

When you join Slack, other users in the Channel will be able to see your contact details as well as any discussion data that you add to the channel. This data is stored for 10 years for regulatory purposes.

All items listed under ‘I am browsing your website’ also apply to you so we recommend you also review those.