

This page provides supporting information to help you get the most out of the GlucoseInsights mobile app.


How do I get CGM/Glucose data into GlucoseInsights?

GlucoseInsights retrieves Glucose information from Apple HealthKit. To ensure Glucose information appears in the app, you must:

  1. Allow permission for your CGM app to write to Apple HealthKit.
  2. Allow permission for GlucoseInsights to read from Apple HealthKit.

See the next two questions for detailed instructions.

How do I allow permission for my CGM app to write to Apple HealthKit?

Follow the specific sharing instructions for your CGM device:

How do I allow GlucoseInsights to read from Apple HealthKit?

During the onboarding flow, GlucoseInsights will request permission to read Glucose and Heart Rate information from Apple HealthKit. If you didn't grant permission during onboarding, you can do it later:

  1. Open the Health app.
  2. Go to Sharing > Apps and Services > Glucose Insights.
  3. Turn On All permissions.

How do I get Activity data into the app?

GlucoseInsights integrates with Strava to retrieve and show Activity data. If you do not have a Strava account, you can register for free here.

If you have any questions, please contact us at